Tuesday 27 May 2014

Eaten alive!

A lovely tench swim
Hi guys! Been a great few days in work with plenty of bait and tackle flying out! Your obviously all catching plenty of fish? I grabbed another night in in the middle of last week but to no avail....a very quiet night left me feeling a little stumped as to what to do next. I think the fish may have started to rumble me a bit and it's possibly time for some changes. Quite what....I'm not 100% sure of yet.
Nice small Tench...target achieved for the day!

I've spent some time cleaning rods, reels and re-spooling my center pin reels ready for the glorious 16th June which is only just around the corner at last! God it's been a long wait this year. Sunday saw Joel and myself visit a local small club lake for the day in search of a carp for JB and a tench or two for myself. Things started well and we turned up at 7am to find just a few guys already fishing.

We got ourselves a decent swim with a good section of lily pads running across the front of it.

Heavenly swim...hell for the flies! :(
I started with corn on a hair rig and cog system with 2oz lead and dumped around 6 balls of our Profish groundbait mixed with our CBS strawberry flavour, some sweetcorn, micro strawberry boilies and a little small pellet for good measure. I had an almost instant take only to have it drop off seconds later. This happened a couple of times frustratingly. My only cause for it I could see was the length of rig and hook size. This I unduly changed by shortening the rig to 5inches and upping the hook size to an 8. This did the trick and a few bream later I was considering a change of bait away from the corn.

Nice low double common for Joel
I placed a pair of 8mm micro strawberry boilies onto the hair rig and almost instantly claimed a nice little Tench for my efforts. In the meantime Joel was plodding away at trying to catch a carp. All this was going on around an ever increasing amount of gnats which were making mincemeat of both of us. Unfortunately ill prepared, neither of us had thought to bring fly repellent with us and we were now paying the price dearly!

Joel looked like he had a nasty dose of chicken pox on his face and my wrists resembled something from a Resident Evil movie! Not good! We moved the brolly to the back of our swim which gave us a little respite for around half an hour.

One of two low doubles I managed
This then proved fruitless as the swarm homed in on us once again and reduced us to looking like a South Park figure with our hoodies pulled tightly up around our faces and hands covered with sleeves.

Joel managed a nice carp of around 11lbs just before we decided it was now becoming too much to bare and we made a very hasty retreat back to the car and onto another local water for a few hours. This proved to be the best option as the flies were no where near so prevalent .

The fishing wasn't exactly brilliant but I managed a small common of around 8lb and another low double common too. I'm hoping to do an overnighter this week if all goes to plan but my 7 year old daughter has invited herself along....at a guess it wont be the quietest of nights and probably be full of tablet games and movies! lol Should be fun!

Catch you all soon.....not long before the rivers open!!! Counting the days now
