Friday 22 August 2014

New beginings.....

In house quality control measures
Hi guys...

I thought I'd piece together a little blog entry about what's currently going on with the business and it's former partnership. As many of you will know Ian and myself decided to go our separate ways around 2-3 weeks ago now. Things had been getting complicated with us being so far apart from each other. One living in Wales and the other in West London. This meant that at times it was difficult to speak to each other regarding products and orders etc as Ian works long hours as a painter and decorator.

As it stood Ian was dealing with the majority of tackle orders and I of course did all the bait rolling. I wanted to continue with the bait rolling aspect as it's my forte and I really wanted to concentrate on new baits, flavours and ingredients. With the added pressures of splicing lead core, making cog leads and other general duties, it was leading me to have less time to concentrate on the bait.

Hand rolled quality ensured!
It was at this point we both agreed it may be better to split and do our own thing. I now have much more time to put into the bait aspect, webs work and of course FB and customer relations. Ian and I met amicably half way down the M4 to exchange stock and he has taken over the tackle that CBS held and myself all the baits.

As many of you will be aware, I roll all the bait by hand on tables and pride myself on making some of the finest base mixes available.
More time to spend in development
I hate using filler ingredients and I strive to insure the bait is fresh, palatable, stimulating and of course a reasonable price. That being said I cannot roll bait of the highest quality for pittance, so if it's cheap quality bait your after, then have a hunt around for others who out-source their rolling to other companies maybe as they can roll cheap ingredients in bulk on machines.

The only down side to these companies being that due to an outsider rolling for them, they cannot check the ingredients being put into the baits.....Something I personally keep track of due to obviously rolling it myself.  I will be updating all the product range over the coming weeks, adding new products, updated quality photographs, FB and web page updates, graphics etc etc. It all takes time so please bare with me.

New company and great things to come!
I have reverted to an old name I used to use with my blog for the business's future as I felt that using CBS only caused confusion about who was running what? Some customers have fled the roost and gone elsewhere since the change over has occurred and in all honesty I totally understand and wish you all luck with your angling. To those who have stayed loyal to me and the company I will endeavor to cater for your requirements and look after you as best I possibly can.

Thanks for your continued support through 2013/14 everyone!
Sometimes things go wrong like a few weeks ago when our courier network let us down with 2 orders but this was all sorted out amicably and fairly swiftly. Hopefully not something that will happen again soon. If you notice a problem with an order or you need a special requirement then please call or email me and I'll try to sort the issue asap for you.

As of 20th of August 2014 CBS Carp Bait Specialists is no longer trading and I am in the process of developing the new business in the name of Nuts about Carp. It will take a little while to divert webs traffic and do the paper work involved with name changes etc etc, so please stick with me and I look forward to continuing to serve you guys with top notch fish catching bait! I hope that the above has done something to clear up any misconceptions some may have and that you understand why whats happened has.....

Kindest regards and best wishes
Keith Supple