Thursday, 17 December 2015

2015 Review

Hi all....

My biggest highlight of 2015! Well done Natasha x
Just a short and sweet one for this week as it's neigh on Crimbo. I thought i'd piece together a few words and some nice pics featuring my favourite highlights of the year 2015 and what I honestly feel has been the best river season of my whole angling career. In fact i'd go as far as to say my best year ever in angling!

This year has seen many new developments for myself within angling. Parting company with Ian last year and saying goodbye to C.B.S was a little bit of a kick in the bollocks, but in all honesty it's been by far the best move I've made. Now I am free to run my business as I see fit and it's gone from strength to strength without the huge investment I feared it would need.
She did it again! 10lb 12oz PB
I started the guiding service up and that has taken off really well this year with almost every angler catching a new PB, most over double figures! A great example of what's available to those booking up a days guided with myself.

Dave Brooks with a stunner
I've met some wonderful guys and girls and some lifelong friends along the way this year and I've also found out who some of the rogues and back stabbers are too. Unfortunate but there's always one or two amongst the groups of people involved in our hobbies. Each has an agenda of some kind and I always seem to find them out at some point along the way.

Among the highlights of this year the most memorable had to be when Natasha grabbed runner up spot in the Dave Mason Trophy for the best barbel capture of the year at the 20th Barbel Society Conference.

The kid was a total star for the day and it's something that will stay with both her and myself till the day I die. Watching my little girl up on that stage was one of the greatest moments in my life and I think she'd agree that she was very excited too.

Mat with his first ever double
The obvious outcome of the show was that she then wanted to go out and beat the PB barbel of 10lb 4oz and a few weeks later she did just that with another corking fish of 10lb 12oz! The girl's an unstoppable fish magnet!

I guided a couple of right old characters this year and I enjoyed the company of every single one. Dave Brooks caught his first ever barbel whilst out with me and caught no less than 2 over 10lbs in one short evening! Incredible.....His lovely partner Emma Dyer fished on a very tough evening and had her first ever barbel which went exactly 10lbs.

Dan Jones caught his first ever barbel after numerous blank guided trips out with others. He managed 3 on his first session out with me. Andy and Lewis both had doubles and so did Chris Tupper! He'd had 6 fish all season and managed to catch 7 in an evening with me including a new PB and first ever double! Gary Brooks had a double and a couple more to boot.

Another proud daddy moment for me...Thomas with his first ever double at 10lb 5oz
The Brumder Mathew Oneill has had an excellent season fishing with me and he's caught 30 plus barbel in just 10 trips out. Hes had numerous cracking fish including his first ever double on June 16th of all days too!

Lewis had his first ever barbel and a double as well!
Ian Oxley has been out with me a few times and is slowly wading his way through the coarse fish species list...He caught numerous barbel on his first ever session fishing for them and took a cracking one of over 11lbs!

To top the guided trips off my lad Thomas managed to bag his first ever double too at 10lb 5oz. And finally my beloved wife Marianne even had her first ever barbel at over 8lbs as well....What a year it has been for friends, relatives and clients on the barbel front!

My personal year has been just incredible....It's the first time I have pretty much set my stall out all season for just barbel and I have fished 7 different rivers this year for barbel and caught from 4 of them.

The wife with her first ever Barbel!
I have amassed no less than exactly 120 barbel captures and featured 16 doubles in that haul. I've had a double from The Wye, The Severn and The Kennet this year and realized a life long ambition in catching my first Kennet barbel and of course at over 11lb too!

I have so so enjoyed my club stretch of the Wye this year as the fish have been relatively easy to locate and as easy to catch. They've fed well all year up until the floods arrived. The Severn at Pixham has also been extremely kind to me and also incredible enjoyable too.

Despite the bastard of a walk with all my kit across the field to my favourite swim, it has supplied my need for rod bending action on every single trip up there to date.

Dan Jones first ever Barbel
The Kennet is a totally different river to all the above and with it's beautiful overhanging trees, meandering path, shallows, deep holes, tight bends and stunning scenery. It has me hooked in a way I didn't think was possible. I just can't wait to get back there to wet my lines in search of something really special....roll on 2016!

The carping this year has been poor on many fronts and that's probably down to my complete and almost non-existent interest in it at present. The club waters have provided very little interest to me with anything of any size already seeing my net....

This included the capture of the Treoes Grass carp which I had at 22lb 4oz one week and Natasha had it the next! Another amazing moment for the pair of us.....Apart from that fish I haven't seen much else on the carp front all year. If i'm truthful, I've not really missed it either.

Natasha with the big grassy!
I had planned to do a bit more Perching and Piking this winter but as yet it still feels far too mild out for me to want to get out chasing predators. I know the season for them is here and there's nothing wrong in going for them at any point after 1st October but I just can't get excited about them this year.

I'm still so very focused on the Barbel. This year I have had yet more written work published in magazines including the wonderful Barbel Fisher. It's been a true pleasure to write for the magazine and it's always put together beautifully.
Bob, a true friend and great angler.

I must at this point thank all those that have put their faith in me this year and booked days out. I must also say a huge thanks to those of you that have gone out of your way to help myself out too. You know who you are.....There's three particular blokes who stand out from the crown though. First up I must mention my awesome mate Bob.

Bob and I have spent many sessions fishing together this year and I must admit despite the abuse he gives me I've grown rather fond of the old git! He's spent many hours guiding me along the banks of his rivers and lakes and I've done the same on my waters. Our friendship has blossomed and I look forward to spending many more sessions with him next year.

Next up I must mention my best pal on the planet. Stuey....Stu and I have been mates for 30 years nearly now and we have both celebrated our 40th this year. Neither of us were greatly enamored with turning middle aged but we go on with it and went fishing. As ever we enjoyed the trip thoroughly and I always hate saying goodbye to him when I have to leave. I hope one day we'll be able to retire nearer to each other and see out our final years on the bankside.
My best friend Stuart...x

Finally I must mention a new friend of mine that has become a rather big asset. Lewis and I have only known each other for about 12 months or so but he's been a great friend, supporter and he's just finished building the new Nuts website for me. And what a wonderful job the fella has done too! Outstanding work that I could never have done myself. To top it off he's also a rather likeable bloke too! I find myself drawn to his company and I look forward to many more good angling and banter sessions with him the coming year! Thanks for your hard work buddy! x

I plan to try a lot of new waters in 2016...this will be split into 3 river formats. The Wye will continue to be high on the agenda but I will be getting 2 new tickets to provide my angling with some variety. Then the Severn which I will remain fishing at Pixham. My other venue with probably the highest priority will be that of The Kennet. I have penciled in as much time as I can muster up to fish this stunning river and I am adamant that I can beat my PB from the little venue.
Far from the biggest this season but almost certainly the most treasured. 11lb 4oz from the Kennet!
Well, that really is it for me for now so have a wonderful Crimbo and New Year...Remember to stay safe if your going out as the bank sides are very wet and slippery at present.

Love to you all

Keith x

Saturday, 12 December 2015

canals and waste lands

Bikes along the tow path of the canal.
Hi guys.

Well, it's nearly that time of year again where everyone stops working for a few days, gets unceremoniously drunk and eats far too much turkey and mince pies! I for one am just looking forward to a new year and more fishing adventures! Don't get me wrong Christmas is great for the kids and nothing gives me more pleasure than seeing their eyes light up when they open their presents up on the big day. The wife and I have never personally bothered with Christmas ourselves and we usually just buy ourselves that something we need or want near the time. This year has been no different and I grabbed the chance of a couple of quick bargains on eBay last week. I purchased a pair of beautiful Fox Bob James BJ5 Centerpins. They were reduced down to £80 each from over £360! Supplied in a box with certificate signed etc etc. I know, I know....I've already get 4 pins so why did I need 2 more? God only knows but they're rather nice! Can't wait to get out there and use them now....that's if the bloody excessive flood water ever abates!

Talking of which, it's been a terrible time up in Cumbria hasn't it? Crikey, those poor people have had it really tough this last few weeks. I'm not only sure what the answer is in protecting these places prone to flooding really? I mean, yes you can stick a 20 foot high wall around the areas most likely affected but that's not only unsightly but also a huge expense. Even then the water has to go somewhere and it will still end up down stream in some other poor buggers house. I think the only sensible thing to do is to not build in the many flood plains that could have future housing developments put on them and possible canal/drainage systems dug to relieve the flow when it becomes problematic. I know these concrete ditches are unsightly, costly and lets face it always going to cause an issue for someone...but what's better? The drain-away ditches or high walls or worse still continually flooded homes and businesses. In the meantime lets hope the waters abate a bit and life can once again start to get back to some level of normality for those affected.

The weather in the Welsh Valleys has been foul for some time now with wet and windy conditions ruling the roost. It has however stayed exceptionally mild for December and a few nights back when I went out side at midnight to let the dog have his evening pee it was a very pleasurable 13C! I don't think I've ever known it so mild on a December night in 40 years???
One of the two nice chub i had before i had to call it a day due to flu.
Needless to say that I thought I would grab a last chance and head off back over the bridge and try a new venue for a river carp. I ventured off to Newbury and to one of the venues that is fast becoming a favourite of mine. The River Kennet. I purchased a late season ticket for a small club section of the River/Canal section near to Thatcham and met my good mate Bob down there for a guided walk along the bank. The venue looked top notch. The water was rather clear and still very low for the time of comparison to that of other areas of the country! I chose a lovely spot with a couple of over hanging bushes opposite me and proceeded to bait 2 spots up with a bit of hemp, flavoured corn, mixed pellets and a few broken boilies.

Stunning and untouched
Bob left me to it and headed off to work and I sat back to await results with a hot dinner and a nice coffee. My little girl Natasha has been off with the Flu this last few days and I was hoping I wouldn't catch it as the wife and boy had also got it! Come 5pm that evening I was starting to feel the cold and wrapped myself up in my cosy bedchair. The rods were very quiet until around 11pm that night and the right hand rod broke the silence with a slow take. The fish was well hooked and spiritedly scrapped under the rod tip for a few minutes before succumbing to tiredness. A nice chub of 5lb 4oz. I took a picture and sent her back. I recast and the same rod was away again at 2am. This time it wasn't so much fun as it was absolutely chucking it down.

I played the fish out and netted another fine chub. I weighed her under the front of the brolly and at 6lb 1oz it was one of the best I've had this season. I made the decision to put her straight back and about a minute later I felt rather gutted I hadn't bothered to take a picture as it was a lovely fish. Nevermind....I thought to be honest that there would be more to follow but that was it for the session and as the next day unfolded, so did a nasty dose of the flu! I haven't felt so unwell in ages. As i write this 3 days after, i'm still feeling very rough. I hope it's in  the final stages now as I really need to get on with stuff.
Laid to waste......

Anyway, while I was away I watched with intent a thread on my local clubs Facebook page. It was originally posted by a chap who had been removed by the clubs head bailiff from a club lake almost an hour earlier than he needed to be off the water. The poor chap was forced to leave the venue and pack up during about the best part of the day despite the rules stating he was welcome to stay until an hour after sunset. The thread developed into nothing less than a war zone and i'm normally first to not get involved in someone else's argument especially on a computer...but i felt this guy had really been hard done by. What made it worse was the head bailiff was very rude to the guy. I had my ten pence worth in return and all hell broke loose on there.

One thing led to another and I then receive a threat from said bailiff via a text message! I posted this on the club page and it turned out he felt that it was ok to threaten club members with violence. I've since pulled myself away from the club site and I also won't be rejoining next year as they clearly have issues. To top things off I received pictures of their fishery management skills that week and to say they had obliterated one of the clubs prettiest fisheries was an understatement.... A stunning venue set in the rolling hills with amazing countryside had had nothing less than a nuclear bomb dropped on it....Not just a quick back and sides on the bank but a total flattening of every last plant and tree on the site. It now looks like every other commercial crap hole that they have laid waste to over the last few years....such a dam shame to see such a pretty untouched venue laid to waste yet again. I'm honestly lost for words as to why the club feels it needs to do this to all its venues?

Right, that's enough from me. I'm off for some more hot honey and lemon and back to bed to sweat this god awful flu off!

Tight lines all and please have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!

All the best

Thursday, 3 December 2015

1 for the week

Top bloke Lewis, great friend, web designer and even catches a few fish too!
Evening everyone....

I've been a bit quiet for the past few weeks due to time constraints of work and family and not only that the levels of rain coming down has pretty much stuffed up my chances of getting out on the river.

The levels of both my favourite venues have been sky high for the best part of 2 to 3 weeks now and still rising! Such a pain as I really did want to get back up the Severn and see if I could grab another 1 or 2 barbel before the end of the year.

Not looking likely at present but if things do improve just slightly this weekend then I may actually risk the drive up and give it a bash. On the angling front I did venture out for a very windswept and wet few hours with Lewis and Natasha to a local club lake.

Tash managed to rescue the day with a couple of nice carp to almost double figures.
We decided to go after the carp in the margins and to be honest it was some of the hardest fishing I've known down there for some time. Lewis managed a nice fish around 8 to 9 lbs and Natasha had a couple up to 10lbs. The best fish of the day was lost to a hook pull at last knockings....bit annoying but I think it was probably foul hooked anyway.

The Severn is well up and almost over the fields....
My next and only other trip out was a fortnight ago to another club water. It's a nice little weedy pool that I tend to just concentrate on in the Spring time as it has a habit of becoming a stagnant, dead end pool through the colder months.

This time round was rather harder than I expected and despite one repeat capture fish early on, I had hardly another twitch in 48 hours. I managed a couple of the old slimy bream but that was it. The carp I did catch was a rather pretty low double mirror that I had caught on one occasion before.

The fish fell for a pair of tigernuts soaked in Cola and Molasses for over 2 years. I had put in around 30 or so of them in the localized area and decided to fish mid way across the pool to the side of a fallen trees roots and some pads.

Small but extremely last a fish for me!

The depth drops away to over 10 feet but I decided to fish it in about 4 feet as I felt that the mid water section would more than likely chuck up a fish rather than in the much deeper water. The session passed by with nothing really happening after the carp and I think the weather had a lot to do with it. There is a mining area behind the site and in my opinion there is a lot of minerals present in the localized land.

When it rains the water in the pool turns a very heavy grey colour and life just seems to disappear in the pool. I think that it's very likely that there is a high level of lime in the ground which would also explain the lack of life in the venue and why the fish seem to struggle to maintain any decent weight.

Anyway, not a lot else to talk about on the fishing front at present or certainly until the rivers drop a tadd. I may if I can get up the Severn next week if it drops at all but I'll have to play that one by ear and see how it goes.

This week I have the exciting job of seeing the new Nuts about Carp website going live too. The work on the site is all down to the hard graft of my good mate Lewis who has put in a lot of hours to insure it's as good as it could possibly be! Can't wait to see it live and working!

Tight lines guys and I hope the end of 2015 is good to you all
